There are many methods that you can use to make money through the internet. I believe that blogging is one of the top contenders!! WHY?? Why you ask?? Well it is simple because you get to write about something that you like and know about. If you are good at writing, you will get followers, the more followers you have the more traffic you will have, the more traffic you have the more popularity you gain, the more popular you are the more people will approach you for advertising and finally, the more advertising you do, the more MULLA you get. Ohh I almost forgot Google Adsense. You can skip the advertisers approaching you part and the rest remains the same because (here I go again) the more traffic you have the more the clicks on the Google Ads, the more the clicks the more the MONEYS!!! I'm sure you get the picture.
So here is what you can do.
- Setup a blog on a free service for practice e.g. blogspot (like me :)) or wordpress etc. It is always better to get your own domain and build your blog there but if you don't want to spend your hard earned money, this is an option you have.
- Make a reasonable professional design OR get free templates and themes from the net. Play around with them to be unique and you are more or less done.
- The next step is to start blogging. You can create a plan about what to blog about or simply just wing it. BUT make sure that you are consistent.
- Promote your blog through social media and social networking sites
- Search Engine Optimization is the key. (Here I go for the third time...) The more optimized you are, the high you rank on google, the higher you rank on google, the more traffic you get, the more traffic you get, the more....I think I should stop. I can get really annoying :S.
Anyways...Home work for today. Start thinking of a blogging topic and a name. For extra credit on only and see if the name is available.
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